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We have a minimum order value of £50 for international orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £300 for EU Export orders. VAT registered customers only. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
Sorry. We have a minimum order value of £74 for international orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £300 for EU Export orders. VAT registered customers only. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
Due to the extra processing of Channel Island orders, we have a Minimum Order Value of £50. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £50 for International orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a Minimum Order Value of £300 for EU Export orders. VAT registered customers only. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.
We have a minimum order value of £74 for international orders. Customs duty and import charges will be payable prior to delivery of the goods.