These affordable, British-made Hand-Rub Application Training Kits will help you deliver simple, easy-to-follow instruction on the correct way to sanitise hands effectively.
They include UV GERM Hand Rub Training Gel; a hypoallergenic, hand sanitiser application training gel which is kind to hands and safe for use on all skin types and colours.
The principle is simple; for hand rub to be fully effective, it must correctly applied so that it covers the entire surface area of both hands and wrists. If there any gaps in this coverage then the hand rub may not be effective! But how do you see what is and is properly covered?
This is where UV GERM Hand Rub Training Gel comes in. The gel contains a harmless, invisible UV ingredient, which when exposed to a UV light, will glow (fluoresce) bright blue. This serves to show exactly which parts of the hands and wrists have (and more importantly) have not been properly covered (sanitised).
Kit Includes: UV Forensic Torch, UV GERM Hand Rub Training Gel, training guide and cotton carry bag.
Please note: This product does not actually sanitise hands or skin, its purpose is to ‘simulate’ the application of normal hand sanitizing gel for training purposes only.
UV GERM Hand Rub Training Gel:
- Is safe for all skin types and colours. It’s Non-Toxic, Hypoallergenic, Fragrance-Free, and Gluten-Free.
- Contain NO harmful Parabens, PEGs, Phthalates or Sulfates.
- British made in compliance with UK and EU Regulations (EC) No 1223/2009 on Cosmetic Products.
GLOWTEC Quality Assured. If it doesn’t bear our name, then its not the same!
Please see the ‘Safety Info‘ tab for product and safety details.
‘ tab for product and safety details.
Click here for a full introduction and overview of this product.
Safety Info
Avoid contact with the eyes, if irritation occurs discontinue use, do not use on broken or irritated skin. Always test for sensitivity before use.
We have have gone to great lengths to ensure our new formula, premium grade, training gel is as skin-friendly and as hypoallergenic as possible.
As such UV GERM Hand Rub Training Gel contains NO harmful Parabens, PEGs, Phthalates, Sulfates. It is Alcohol-Free. Fragrance-Free and Gluten-Free.
However, we cannot guarantee that someone, somewhere won’t have a reaction to the product. For this reason, before training, we recommend attendees are asked if they have any history of skin reactions or known allergies and tested for sensitivity. In the extremely rare occurrence of someone taking a reaction, then simply discontinue use for that individual.
This product is considered safe and non-toxic for COSHH purposes. However this product is not classed as Food Safe and is therefore unsuitable for use in areas designated for food production or food preparation.
Expiry: Use within 12 months of purchase.
UV GERM Hand Rub Training Gel is British made in compliance with UK and EU Regulations (EC) No 1223/2009 on Cosmetic Products.
A qualified toxicologist has evaluated and approved this product by conducting a Product Safety Assessment as per the Cosmetic Regulation EC no 1223/2009 (as amended)
How to use
HAND RUB application training in a nutshell:
- Dispense a single amount into the palm of one hand.
- Rub-in well into both hands and wrists.
- Place under the UV light to see coverage of hands and wrists, dark gaps indicate non-sanitized areas of skin!!
- Wash and dry hands normally.
- Now provide hand rub application training as required.
- Repeat the process until full coverage can be achieved consistently.
Please see ‘Important Information’ tab.
See ‘Delivery‘ tab on the menu bar for more detailed shipping and delivery information.
Whilst we can usually turn around most web orders within 1-3 working days. Please allow time for the order to be processed and produced for you. If you have genuinely urgent order, please contact us first to ensure we are able to turn around your order in time. Please appreciate that there will be other customer’s orders ahead in the queue!
Orders Dispatched: TUESDAYs (Post/Special-D) WEDNESDAYs (Courier) THURSDAYs (Post/Special-D) FRIDAYs (Courier)
Please Note: We are unable to ship web orders on Mondays.
UK Delivery options
Standard Delivery is a flat rate delivery charge using Royal Mail’s 1st Class Parcel Post.
Special-Delivery (small parcels) and UK Courier (larger/heavier parcels) will provide a swift next day delivery from the day of dispatch and NOT from the date of order.
Note: We do not to offer a specific ‘Next Day Delivery’ option as we cannot realistically guarantee such a service, especially in the current climate.
If you require a recorded / tracked delivery, please select either the Express Delivery or Courier Delivery option at checkout.
EU & International Orders
Owing to the higher cost or processing and shipping EU and International orders we have a £44 Minimum Order Value (MOV) for VAT Exempt Business orders.
However, due to new EU VAT rules, private (B2C) orders have a £135 Minimum Order Value. Please Note: Whilst we will not add VAT to your order, VAT will be payable once the goods have arrived in your country.
Business Orders destined for the EU will require a Company Name, VAT Number and EORI Number for customs clearance.
We will only ship EU and International orders at the Buyers risk. Once the goods are handed over to the courier they become the buyers property and responsibility.
For reasons of security and speed, we only ship EU and International orders via Express Courier. Delivery charges are calculated at checkout.